Conventional fluorescent tubes are a thing of the past, as advanced LED technology leads to significantly lower energy consumption and lower energy costs. Biberburg in Hirschthal (Switzerland) has tackled this modernisation and asked the local lamp manufacturer from Safenwil to upcycle the existing RIBAG lighting.
The 'Wald Hirschthal' association, which operates the restaurant in the form of a beaver lodge, relies on natural resources as well as materials which, wherever possible, come from a maximum radius of 20 kilometres. Equally important is the recycling of building materials. As a result, RIBAG was asked to reuse parts of the lighting it had previously provided, while retaining the same visual identity. In a custom design, five filigree LED pendant lamps were grouped around an existing cylindrical tube with an integrated downlight in the centre. This provides brilliant light on the tables, whether for music events, exciting lectures or simply for socialising, and sets successful accents. The playfully arranged, luminous rods provide pleasant ambient lighting in the cosy interior, which is furnished with lots of local wood.
The right light contributes greatly to the feel-good atmosphere and the length of time guests spend in the restaurant. The new lighting, which was realised as part of a sponsorship project, is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also economically and ecologically sustainable. It symbolises a successful, regional collaboration that reflects the responsible use of available resources.
AROA pendant lamps in a customised design, Biberburg Hirschthal